Hugel Hazel Beds

by | Sep 20, 2020

The Hugelkulture system was designed by permaculturalist Sepp Holzer. Burying half-rotten logs at the bottom of the bed, and covering with layers of ‘green’ and ‘brown,’ quickens decomposition. This keeps the bed warmed and nourished by organisms that feed on carbon in the wood. The air gaps improve drainage, and the logs can act as a sponge to trap much needed water. A wonderful environment for your hungry little vegetable plants.

To make these beds, we used locally coppiced hazel (a traditional, sustainable, woodland management practice which supports many flowers and wildlife, and greatly lengthens the trees’ lifespan — some ‘stools’ are a thousand years old!). We de-barked the buried section of the upright poles to make them last longer; then wove the hazel to the desired height before filling the bed with layers of branches, upturned turf and compost materials.

Wood such as in the picture may be harvested many times, over generations, providing a sustainable livelihood for craft and Coppice workers.

Totally green, untreated, and sustainable raised beds.